Changing the Odds Remix ( اوڈس ریمکس کو تبدیل کرنا)


The Remix is a collaboration between Youth Today and Knowledge to Power Catalysts to elevate the allied youth fields and change the odds that all children and youth will thrive. As part of that work, KP Catalysts provides operational support to Youth Today’s Advisory Council and guidance on fundraising and audience engagement.

KP Catalysts partner Karen Pittman, co-founder and past president and CEO of the Forum for Youth Investment, writes a regular column for Youth Today.

For more than three decades, Karen Pittman has charged all adults who work with and for young people to shift from singling out young people who somehow beat the odds to figuring out how we can change the odds for all young people by fundamentally shifting the way we do business. Changing the Odds Remix is her latest, and lasting, contribution to the allied youth fields.

Changing the Odds Remix elevates new ways of thinking, seeing, and acting on truth's parents know, and research confirms:

  Learning happens everywhere.
  Relationships and experiences drive development.
  All young people have potential.
  Opportunities are inequitable.
•  Schools cannot do this alone.

By intentionally remixing ideas from the top thinkers in the allied youth fields — cross-time (past archives and present conversations), cross-topic, and cross-system — Changing the Odds Remix will help elevate new ways of thinking, seeing, and acting and illuminating the through across efforts to build equitable learning and development ecosystems.

Knowledge to Power (KP) Catalysts is the driving force behind Changing the Odds Remix. KP Catalysts increases the rate at which leaders transform Knowledge into Power to change the odds that all children and youth will thrive. The KP Catalysts team of action-focused thought leaders offer a wide range of services to amplify ideas, vitalize partnerships, and accelerate change. From one-on-one coaching to facilitating large-scale, cross-system collaboratives, they challenge organizations and initiatives across the learning and development ecosystem to be bold, inclusive, science-informed, and equity-focused in their work with and on behalf of young people

(Zeeshan Afzal)


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