
Showing posts with the label Motivation

How to Shape Your Startup into a Brand

  According to  Seth Godin , a brand is defined as: “The expectations, stories, memories, and relationships that account for a consumer’s choice of a product or service over another.” In simple terms, a brand is what your business does to create a memorable impression in the mind of your audience. From color to logo design, product selection fonts, and other factors, contributes to your brand. But more significantly, it is a reflection of your business values, practices, and the motivation for why you started on the journey. That said, here some steps you can follow to build your brand. Steps to Build Your Startup Brand Essentially, what you need to build a brand is a business name, a logo, colors, fonts, and brand personality. But it’s not as straightforward. You need a lot of research before starting to determine your target audience and understand your competitors. Additionally, it’s essential to humanize your brand so that your consumers can not only relate to it but also ...

5 Trends In E-Learning You Should Know For The Coming Decade

  This year’s pandemic has accelerated e-learning from a “good-to-have” to a “must-have” option for every organization. It’s bringing to the forefront strategies that are on the rise and showing no signs of slowing down in the coming decade. If you’re thinking of creating a course for your company, adding new courses to your  e-learning website , or just curious about what the future of online learning looks like, this article breaks down five e-learning trends you should know. Personalization of Learning Experiences The  great thing about e-learning  is that it’s accessible to everyone from any part of the world with a strong internet connection. A downside to this is that it doesn’t allow a customized learning experience. It also doesn’t account for different skill levels or different time frames for learning. Course creators have turned to Big Data Analytics to solve this problem. This means using analytics tools to get information on learner performance to o...

Do’s and Don’ts Learned from James Bond

For all of his jet setting, super-spy ways, designer tuxedos and  decades of hot babes , James Bond isn’t the greatest of role models. Bond may be hitting the big screen once again, but that doesn’t mean you should suddenly go out and try to find your own “ Quantum of Solace ” (whatever that is). Instead, consider 007 as the  Goofus and Gallant  of international intrigue. There are some things Bond does very, very well and there are other traits he has that should be avoided like  Oddjob ’s iron-brimmed hat. Here are some Do’s and Don’t of the James Bond lifestyle: Do:  Have a style all your own. If there is one thing Bond is known for is his signature drink of a vodka martini – shaken not stirred. If you want to stand out in the crowd, it’s best to develop your own tastes. In clothes, drink, books, film and habits, you should be unique and not just go with the crowd. Make something your own and develop an expertise in what you like. Don’t:  Drink too much....

The Power Of ‘Four Power Hours’ In A Day

Successful people share many  attributes  in common. They are focused, they have a vision and they execute their tasks perfectly. Talking about wealth, the majority of modern-day  millionaires  is the first generation, means, they did not inherit the money from their parents. What is it that they have done which has set them apart from the ordinary?. This question was asked of me in my online webinar of freelancing where students from the US, Canada had gathered. I was an  internet millionaire  under 30. I am a freelancer, a graphic designer who takes a lot of pride in his work. In the online world of distraction, it is very important for you to focus on your work without wasting time. The amazing tool we are blessed with such as Facebook, Messenger, YouTube and, WhatsApp can not only soak your time and energy but also substantially decrease your productivity. So What is the ‘Four Power Hours’? I came across this amazing formula in 2017. With the growth of ...

Learning and knowledge sharing helps one to become successful

Learning can be done by observing, practicing, reading, listening and watching, etc. I have been Engaging Publicly since 2014 by openly sharing knowledge and experiences in different sessions. I have been delivering Training sine 2000 however those pieces of training were within the ambit of my Job and were not for the general public. Since 2014, I have been delivering sessions in different places within Pakistan was fortunate enough of being a Key Speaker in a Conference in Brunel University UK back in 2017 and to deliver a 30-minute session to MBA Students at the University of Surrey UK back in 2019. Last year, I started my venture Toosy Advisory Services and left my Job. A business Lead triggered that decision the Lead which has not matured into a Sale yet. However, I was persistent in working towards my vision to establish Change Management & Lean Six Sigma Competence within Pakistan and Beyond. To increase my competence in Consultant Level I had to study deeper and get more kn...

Bernard Arnault Net Worth: LVMH CEO's Money, Cars, Homes And Assets Revealed

Bernard Arnault's net worth is around $106 billion, making him the wealthiest man in France. However, he is only the third richest man in the world. Microsoft founder Bill Gates is second with $107 billion while Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos still reigns supreme with $110 billion. But the ranking could change really soon amid Anault’s spending spree recently. Arnault’s LVMH (LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) recently  acquired Tiffany & Co.  for a cool $16.3 billion. The acquisition further expands his empire in the fashion industry. The jewelry brand is an addition to his list of luxury brands such as Dom Perignon, Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Sephora, De Beers, Bulgari and Tag Heuer. And he seems not yet done with recent investments in Netflix, Blue Capital, and Carrefour. He has also made collaborations with Rihanna this year and made a venture with Stella McCartney. After agreeing to a deal with Tiffany, his net worth increased by as much as 1 percent.  Arnault earned an ...

Jack Ma Gives 3 Amazing Advice For Successful Entrepreneurship

Jack Ma , the founder of Alibaba and the  richest man  in China needs no introduction. He has taken the internet by storm in the last few years with his amazing interviews and speeches and Alibaba success. Jack often talks about his life experiences, failures and his  determination  to do something on the internet in the ’90s. He has shared how he has upscaled Alibaba to be one of the most amazing companies online and gives advice to young people about  life and business . In an interview in a college, while taking questions from the students, Jack gave three best bits of advice he thinks could help young people do good business and win in a long run. 1- You should be always optimistic A great entrepreneur should be optimistic about the future. According to Jack, only optimistic people create a better future so one should also be hopeful and dream big. If you look at the success footprints of high achievers, you find out that they were dreamers and they were opt...