How to Shape Your Startup into a Brand

According to Seth Godin , a brand is defined as: “The expectations, stories, memories, and relationships that account for a consumer’s choice of a product or service over another.” In simple terms, a brand is what your business does to create a memorable impression in the mind of your audience. From color to logo design, product selection fonts, and other factors, contributes to your brand. But more significantly, it is a reflection of your business values, practices, and the motivation for why you started on the journey. That said, here some steps you can follow to build your brand. Steps to Build Your Startup Brand Essentially, what you need to build a brand is a business name, a logo, colors, fonts, and brand personality. But it’s not as straightforward. You need a lot of research before starting to determine your target audience and understand your competitors. Additionally, it’s essential to humanize your brand so that your consumers can not only relate to it but also ...