
Showing posts with the label Personel Development


  How To Start Home Based Jobs Without Investment Or Registration Fees? "Genuine Home Based Work From Home Jobs" You are searching for  home based jobs without investment  or any home based work like Part Time Jobs, Full Time Jobs, Work From Home Jobs Near Me or any type home business idea without any registration fee? Then  you are in right place . Here you can get all type of  jobs without submitting any fees , registration charges or investment. Read every details and you can find and  start best home based jobs here . Earn with 98% accuracy HOME BASE JOBS EARN UPTO 50 DOLLAR PER DAY EASILY WITH ONE HOURLY PER DAY

Learning and knowledge sharing helps one to become successful

Learning can be done by observing, practicing, reading, listening and watching, etc. I have been Engaging Publicly since 2014 by openly sharing knowledge and experiences in different sessions. I have been delivering Training sine 2000 however those pieces of training were within the ambit of my Job and were not for the general public. Since 2014, I have been delivering sessions in different places within Pakistan was fortunate enough of being a Key Speaker in a Conference in Brunel University UK back in 2017 and to deliver a 30-minute session to MBA Students at the University of Surrey UK back in 2019. Last year, I started my venture Toosy Advisory Services and left my Job. A business Lead triggered that decision the Lead which has not matured into a Sale yet. However, I was persistent in working towards my vision to establish Change Management & Lean Six Sigma Competence within Pakistan and Beyond. To increase my competence in Consultant Level I had to study deeper and get more kn...

12 Amazing Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

Few activities have stood the test of 2500 years. Today we still have running, music, writing, swimming and… mindfulness meditation (among scarce others). Such ancient interests that are still practiced today have a good reason for thriving so many centuries later. But while our ancestors could feel the benefits of meditation, they didn’t have the luxury of modern science to support their claims; it seemed to improve their lives, so they kept doing it. Now, as western researchers have applied scientific rigor to mindfulness meditation, the results are in… and they’re more incredible than you might have imagined. Below are twelve science-based benefits of mindfulness meditation that will blow your mind. 1 Make your brain younger A Harvard neuroscientist and her team wanted to determine whether meditation can change the brain over the long run. Amazingly,  their research  found that 50-year-old meditators had the same amount of gray matter (brain cells) as 25...
6 Foolproof Tips for Creating Powerful Passwords Whether you’re accessing an online banking portal or checking your email, you can’t get too far without entering passwords. Unfortunately, hackers can also get as far as a legitimate user if they know the password or can figure it out. Understanding the best way to create passwords will help you avoid the disasters that stem from compromised accounts. Here are six tips to get you started. 1.   Create Nonsense Words People often use variations of their favorite bands, beloved sports teams, names of their pets, cities, and other words that could be relatively easy to guess. It’s better to create words that aren’t in the dictionary or part of any pop culture. Hackers can  orchestrate brute force attacks  that involve trying random password possibilities at a rapid pace until they stumble upon the one that works. Even though cyber criminals usually depend on automated software, they often shorten the task t...

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For

There are a lot of great paid apps out there, but we get a lot of use out of free apps. Once again, we want to hear what apps you’re most thankful for this year. Every year, we gather ‘round the feast table and  give thanks for the free apps  we use and the developers behind them. Then we’ll bring you the big list on Thanksgiving, so you can ruin your data cap and your diet all in one go. So, let’s hear from you. What are your favorite free desktop or mobile apps and why?

8 Tips To Make Better Decisions in Your Life - Tips for Life

Making a Better Decision in your Life is something that each & every one of us comes across in our daily lives. Starting right from when we wake up in the morning and take a look at the time on the alarm clock, is when we start making our day’s first decision like, Should I get out of the bed now? Will I be late for class or work if I sleep a little longer? Even the simplest decision that we make is what takes our life to a different path, with each decision we take in every moment of our life. Right from getting out bed in the morning to going back to sleep at night our life are based on our decisions. And in the end, making the right decision is what we need. But how do you know whether you are making a Right or Wrong decision at the right time? Making a right or wrong decision once a while helps us to build a self-confidence when we need to make another decision later. Mistake is What Makes You Better – Learn from Your Mistakes Don’t let the mista...