The Sorting Of Life " The Execution"


Epesode - . The sorting of life, "The execution" ..

in our childhood we think that we want to become a supper hero like an Hollywood or Bollywood film, but life is not like that, we grew up in the era of ' Hartal zarory hai '. we see life with the naked truth. no one standing for you except you did it to your own. so life make changes with, terrorism, unfaithfulness to our nation or city, the future of our generation start to thinking to them self. KHAIR , this is how i mention all of this that, if we pass our struggling time or we manage to do good thing for us or to educate with our self to face the the world means "our life" , i read a quote that 'my life my responsibility'. this is how our life is total transformation from a 'gully boy' to a gentleman. and we should keep this sprite to continue or to marge this to others life. means we do good things continue to our self or to our community as well. As you know as i psychiatric illness by the gin possession to me, i am totally empty inside me, but 'God is Great to Me' that he returns me the passion or Thoughtfulness the emerging capability inside me. so here i am as i know as i was, with the label of Mr misunderstood.

But that's slogan gave me by other, so i never mind this social nature, the disaster to our generation, some time. but i restart my life as i know my self and starting an 'IT company' for my present and future consideration.

to be continued   ..............



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