Japanese Proverbs: -
Japanese Proverbs: -
Proverbs are indeed brief, but they contain years of experience. This is a distillation of books that can be expressed in a single line. Often, a single line can bring about a change in life that thousands of pages cannot.
A book has been written titled "Japanese Proverbs" by author David Gales. This book is a collection of two hundred famous Japanese proverbs. A thorough study of this book has resulted in the extraction of 20 proverbs that astonishingly change one's thinking if read with an open mind. The selected proverbs are as follows:.
1. Take advice from everyone, even from the knees; two minds will think better than one. The advice of knowledgeable people is better than the opinion of one person. Therefore, the one who seeks advice never regrets.
2. Even monkeys fall from trees; even experts make mistakes. One should not think that no one can make a mistake.
3. Life is a lamp, light it before the wind.
4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
5. Just as a broken flower cannot reattach to the branch, glass also cannot reattach after breaking; what has happened cannot come back. Time that has passed never returns. One should not regret what has passed.
6. In a dog fight, children fight, and in a children's fight, adults.
7. Even a foolish person has some capability; a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day.
8. Those who leave slowly begin to be forgotten; what goes out of sight eventually goes out of mind.
9. Love and cough cannot be hidden.
10. Fate always supports the brave.
11. The clever falcon hides its jaws; a wise person speaks last, briefly and well.
12. The best medicine tastes bitter in the mouth; good and true advice seems bitter to us, but it is the most beneficial.
13. Don't make others' affairs a headache.
14. A student's stomach is never full; hunger sharpens the mind. A full stomach makes one lazy.
15. An arrow shot at the sky feels itself; the results of your actions will surely come back to you.
16. What is worthless to one person is a treasure to another.
17. Failure is the mother of success; experience is better than a teacher. Stay happy.
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