Advice for Youth :
Advice for Youth:
1. Keep your standards high and do not compromise on anything just because it is available.
2. If someone is smarter than you, work with them, do not compete.
3. No one will come to solve your problems. 100% of your life’s responsibility is yours.
4. Do not seek advice from those who are not where you want to go.
5. Look for new ways to earn money and ignore the mockers.
6. You don’t need a hundred books; action and self-discipline are everything.
7. Stay away from drugs.
8. Learn skills from YouTube and don't waste time on Netflix.
9. No one cares about you, drop the shame and create your own opportunities.
10. Laziness is the worst habit and an easy path to depression.
11. Prioritize your family, protect them, whether they are wrong or right.
12. Seek new opportunities and learn from those ahead of you.
13. Trust no one, except yourself. 14. Don't wait for miracles, make them happen yourself.
15. Everything is possible with hard work and determination. Success comes with humility.
16. Don't wait to discover yourself, create yourself. 17. No one owes you anything.
18. Life is a "single-player game", you are born alone and die alone.
19. Your life is designed to keep you weak and hopeless, but only you can save yourself and your loved ones.
20. Not everyone is as honest as you, people take advantage and leave. Stay woke.
By the age of 25, you should understand that:
→ Be happy for others' success.
→ Avoid jealousy and envy.
→ Keep an open mind.
→ Refrain from making assumptions.
→ Act with intention.
→ Be grateful.
→ Speak honestly.
→ Exercise daily.
→ Avoid gossip.
→ Eat clean.
→ Forgive.
→ Listen.
→ Learn.
→ Love.
(by Bano Qudsia).
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