10 ways to discover the best new apps

Did you know that there are WAY more apps that are released every week than what you see featured in Apple’s App Store or Google Play? To be sure, featured apps are probably the best of the best recently released apps, but there are so many other great apps out there just waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re sick of the apps you’ve got, want to want to scope out the “app underground,” are looking for alternatives to popular apps or just can’t get enough apps on your iPhone or Android device, DailyTekk’s got you covered. Now, go forth and find the best apps (because now you can).
  1. AppAdvice – The go-to place for finding new Apple apps and reviews.
  2. AppStumblr – Discover one new trending app everyday (iOS and Android).
  3. appetite+ – Your community for app discovery.
  4. Homer – Find great apps through your friends.
  5. AppFlow – Crowdsourcing app discovery.
  6. Xyo – Search for Android apps without typing.
  7. AppCrawlr – App discovery engine with filters and categories.
  8. Ting.me – Predictive mobile app discovery platform.
  9. Appolicious – An app search engine powered by Yahoo.
  10. Swably – An Android app community for sharing apps.


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