The Fairytale Dream Castle Of The world

It has always been said that artists and creative people border on being eccentric, but when does creativity give way completely to eccentricity. Or should it be said when do creative people have the license to fulfill their eccentricity.
Have a look at this weird looking house … castle…..haunted building….. whatever comes to the mind first. How comfortable would one be in a place like this? Or would one feel as if it is dream come true? It definitely is a-dream-come true for someone with weird taste.

Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (France)
This is just one of the examples of weird buildings around the world. Some of these can be called a marvel of architecture, some might just have a jaw dropping reaction, with no words coming to mind and some might even appeal to the hidden eccentricities of the viewer.
This house looks straight out of a fairy tale. Makes one think that a witch would fly out of one of the windows on a broom or an ogre is waiting to devour the person who dares to walk in. Children may think that Cinderella’s prince is there waiting with a glass slipper.
Weird houses like this fire the imagination and make one wonder if they have the guts to fulfill their eccentric ideas. Is weird really all that bad?

 1. Bahai House of Worship a.k.a Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

 2. Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

 3. Fashion Show Mall (Las Vegas, United States)

 4. Fuji television building (Tokyo, Japan)

 5. Grand Lisboa (Macao)

 6. Ripley’s Building (Ontario, Canada)

Ripleys Building

7. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)

 8. The Hole House (Texas, United States)

 9. Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic)

10. Wooden Gangster House (Archangelsk, Russia)

 11. Erwin Wurm-House Attack (Viena, Austria)


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