14 Most Amazing Burial Places in the World


Death has always presented a certain fascination over the human mind and its importance was celebrated by creating amazing burial places for those that passed away.
The need to remember them has led to impressive buildings, architectural masterpieces and works of art which withstood the course of history and became symbols of the world’s culture.
Whether they are impressive buildings, fields of rocks or amazingly looking gates, the burial grounds of the world take mourning the dead to a high artistic level. No wonder some of them are considered the wonders of the world.

1. The Pyramid of Giza – the oldest

pyramid of giza

2. Hadrian’s Mausoleum – the daring

hadrians mausoleum

3. La Recoleta Cemetery – a slice of fascinating history

la recoleta cemetery

4. Forest Lawn Memorial Parks – the cosmopolite

forest lawn memorial park

5. St. Peter’s Basilica – the artistic

st peters basilica

6. Tomb of Cyrus the Great – the mysterious

tomb of cyrus

7. Green Wood Cemetery – the sculptural artistic

green wood cemetery

8. Old Jewish Cemetery – the humblest

old jewish cemetery

9. Lenin Mausoleum – the history significant

lenins mausoleum

10. Westminster Abbey – the royal dynasties place of rest

westminster abbey

11. Taj Mahal – for the immortal love

taj mahal

12. Pantheon – the Emperor


13. The Mausoleum from Halicarnassus – in the beloved memory

mausoleum at halicarnassus

14. Grant’s tomb – in the memory of a civil war hero

grants tomb

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